Dr Sabrina Fossette, Dr Tony Tucker and Tristan Simpson from the North West Shelf Flatback Turtle Conservation Program (NWSFTCP) gathered with other marine turtle experts in Townsville, Far North Queensland in October 2024 for the 6th Australian Marine Turtle Symposium. Attendees seized the chance to network with others dedicated to marine turtle conservation from around Australia and learn about the various projects being completed, including their methods and potential applications in Western Australia.
During the symposium, NWSFTCP staff gave presentations on how the program is managing threats facing marine turtles in a developing world, the methods being used to prioritise conservation efforts in Western Australia, and how the behaviour of Australian sea lions is impacting marine turtles in Shark Bay.
“Western Australia was well represented for a symposium conducted on the east coast of Australia, with attendees present from government, research institutes, industry, and community groups. Several representatives from other departments and groups approached me to say how impressed they were with the work being completed in WA” - Tristan Simpson, Senior Environmental Officer, NWSFTCP
Exchanging knowledge and collaborating with other experts is essential for the ongoing conservation of marine turtles in Australia, where six of the seven worldwide species of marine turtles live and nest.